With my first born son (Typhon) i gave him formula.I thought i was doing the best thing for him, i was told it would be healthier for him. The thought of breast feeding him seemed weird because i had never seen anyone do it before and i was only 18 when i had him. When i was in the hospital to have him the nurse's didn't even ask if i was nursing, they just stuck a bottle in his mouth. Which at the time was fine with me all i wanted to do was sleep! We brought him home and all was as it should be, oh except for his stomach. he had a tough time with gas and finding the right formula that would work for him when the whole time i had exactly what he needed, my milk. It wasn't untill he was 2 that i looked into breastfeeding and everything that went with it. I couldn't wait to give it a shot! I got my chance this past September when we had our newest baby boy Reed and oh boy i love it! Everything that anybody had ever told me about formula went out the window and i researched everything i could about breastmilk. I educated myself and i wished i never would have listened to what people told me about formula with my first born. Did you know that with breastmilk babies get a different meal everytime?! how cool is that! You won't get that with formula. Imagine eating the same meal for breakfast,lunch,and diner 3 times a day everyday for a year...yuck. With that being said i made a list of the pros of breast feeding
- By breastfeeding, the body will naturally burn calories. This will result in less weight, and the extra weight to burn off more quickly.
- Its free.No running to the store to buy more in the middle of the night.
- Less bottles to wash < my Favorite. I don't have to get up in the middle of the night and make a bottle because its already in bed with me ha!
- It is the best milk for my baby
- It is full of all the essential vitamins that my baby needs
- Its already digested and perfectly designed for my baby. aka liquid gold.
Myths of breastfeeding:
- Breastfeed babies need extra water in hot weather
- breastfeed babies needs extra vitamin D
- It is easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed
- Breastfeeding ties the mother down
- Modern formula is the same as breastmilk
to name a few.
My first born was formula fed, he was healthy baby, but very very picky eater and has also developed asthma and has eczema,skin condition that itches like a mother...well you get the idea.
My second born is breast fed, has had 3 ear infection's, good handful of colds, has eczema as well and im pretty sure he too will have asthma if he doesn't already. But he absolutely loves food will eat any kind of baby food i can whip up.
All i can say is that breastfeeding just feels right, and it has been the most rewarding experience(next to motherhood).
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